EVE Vegan is one of the world’s leading international standards for the certification of vegan products and services. Whether used in food, cosmetics or textiles, the EVE mark is the most trusted assurance that a product is 100% vegan.
Drawing on Eve Vegan's dedication to the welfare and wellbeing of all animals. we created a strong position for the brand, and a series of powerful messages to support their purpose. It is definietely "A Mark of Respect" for all life on Earth, and a mark that guarantees a purely vegan product.
We created a dynamic visual language for the brand, featuring adaptable windows with beautiful images of the natural world, that shift and transform, forming a versatile design system tailored for a future-focused brand.
Referencing key themes of the Eve Vegan brand, we created a library of icons that help illustrate the brand key messages.

The icons are simple but playful, expressing the meaningful bond between people and animals.

The brand was brought to life across a variety of digital and print formats, effectively conveying Eve Vegan's important message.

We crafted The Eve Vegan brand book to provide a comprehensive framework for the brand's elements, ensuring brand consistency across all future uses.